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After enjoying the laid back and freestyle atomosphere of Le Cordon Bleu Sydney I headed to Paris to complete my classical French techniques at Le Cordon Bleu (Superior Patisserie) where I cried a few tears, sweat a little blood, burned a few fingers and earned my toque and "Diplome de Patisserie." 


In my free time I enjoy friendly competitiveness and have earned awards in cake decorating competitions including the Oklahoma Sugar Art Show, Capital Confectioners Sugar Art Show and the Sugar Wonders Sugar Art Show as well as being published in several cake and sugar art magazines.




About Me...


My love of food, especially sweets, has enticed me to travel the world in pursuit of learning all I can...and eating all I can!  I began the first (Basic Patisserie) of three advancing courses at the world renowned Le Cordon Bleu in London, England.   Traveling a bit in England and Wales I fell in loves with Scones, Hot Cross Buns, Welsh Cakes and Christmas Pudding!  Don't even get me started on the fish and chips and what has become a life-long affair with Pimm's Cups!

After completing Basic Patisserie with the honor of "Mention Bien avec Credit."  I continued my training at Le Cordon Blue (Intermediate Patisserie) on the other side of the world in Sydney, Australia learning new local flavors and skills.  My travels throughout Australia introduced me o the freshest seafood, Tim Tams and Chocolate Bilbys instead of Chocolate Bunnies for Easter.   I was able to further perfect my skills finishing Intermediate Patisserie with the honor of "Distinction".

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